Simple Simulation in Racket
I updated the simple simulation example from the simulation collection to Racket. The simple simulation example shows how a basic discrete-event simulation engine can be written in pure Racket (specifically, the racket/base language). Fully commented it is only about two and a half pages of code and does not contain any references to external packages. If you're curious about the usage of continuations, this might be a good example to look at. [If you're an expert in continuations, any critique would be welcome - particularly on the event loop in the start-simulation procedure.]
The code uses parameters for its global variables, which may be unfamiliar to some people. For example, the simulation clock is maintained by the current-time parameter. This parameter is created by (make-parameter current-time 0.0). A call to (current-time) will return its current value. The call (current-time (event-time (current-event))) in start-simulation sets its value to the time of the next event. Finally, the parameterize call in run-simulation creates new instances of the parameters and (I think) is cleaner than just resetting their values.
And, here is the actual code.
#lang racket/base
;;; Simplified Simulation System
;;; Global simulation control variables
;;; future-event-list : (parameter/c (list? event?))
;;; current-time : (parameter/c real?)
;;; current-event : (parameter/c (or/c false/c event?))
;;; event-loop-exit : (parameter/c (or/c false/c continuation?))
;;; event-loop-next : (parameter/c (or/c false/c continuation?))
(define future-event-list (make-parameter '()))
(define current-time (make-parameter 0.0))
(define current-event (make-parameter #f))
(define event-loop-exit (make-parameter #f))
(define event-loop-next (make-parameter #f))
;;; Event definition and scheduling
;;; (struct event (time function arguments))
;;; time : (>=/c 0.0)
;;; function : (or/c false/c procedure?)
;;; arguments : list?
;;; Each event has a time the event is to be executed, the function to
;;; be executed, and the (evaluated) arguments to the function.
(struct event (time function arguments))
;;; (schedule event) -> any
;;; event : event?
;;; Add an event to the event list.
(define (schedule event)
(future-event-list (event-schedule event (future-event-list))))
;;; (event-schedule event event-list) -> (list-of event?)
;;; event : event?
;;; event-list : (list-of event?)
;;; Return a new list of events corresponding to the given event added
;;; to the given list of events.
(define (event-schedule event event-list)
(cond ((null? event-list)
(list event))
((< (event-time event)
(event-time (car event-list)))
(cons event event-list))
(cons (car event-list)
(event-schedule event (cdr event-list))))))
;;; Simulation control routines
;;; (wait/work delay) -> any
;;; delay : (>=/c 0.0)
;;; Simulate the delay while work is being done. Add an event to
;;; execute the current continuation to the event list.
(define (wait/work delay)
(let/cc continue
;; Add an event to execute the current continuation
(schedule (event (+ (current-time) delay) continue '()))
;; Return to the main loop
;;; (start-simulation) -> any
;;; This is the main simulation loop. As long as there are events to
;;; be executed (or until the simulation is explicitly stopped), remove
;;; the next event from the event list, advance the clock to the time
;;; of the event, and apply the event's functions to its arguments.
(define (start-simulation)
(let/ec exit
;; Save the event loop exit continuation
(event-loop-exit exit)
;; Event loop
(let loop ()
;; Exit if no more events
(when (null? (future-event-list))
(let/cc next
;; Save the event loop next continuation
(event-loop-next next)
;; Execute the next event
(current-event (car (future-event-list)))
(future-event-list (cdr (future-event-list)))
(current-time (event-time (current-event)))
(apply (event-function (current-event))
(event-arguments (current-event))))
;;; (stop-simulation) -> any
;;; Stop the execution of the current simulation (by jumping to its
;;; exit continuation).
(define (stop-simulation)
;;; Random Distributions (to remove external dependencies)
;;; (random-flat a b) -> inexact-real?
;;; a : real?
;;; b : real?
;;; Returns a random real number from a uniform distribution between a
;;; and b.
(define (random-flat a b)
(+ a (* (random) (- b a))))
;;; (random-exponential mu) -> inexact-real?
;;; mu : real?
;;; Returns a random real number from an exponential distribution with
;;; mean mu.
(define (random-exponential mu)
(* (- mu) (log (random))))
;;; Example Simulation Model
;;; (generator n) -> any
;;; n : exact-positive-integer?
;;; Process to generate n customers arriving into the system.
(define (generator n)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n) (void))
(wait/work (random-exponential 4.0))
(schedule (event (current-time) customer (list i)))))
;;; (customer i) -> any
;;; i : exact-nonnegative-integer?
;;; The ith customer into the system. The customer is in the system
;;; 2 to 10 minutes and then leaves.
(define (customer i)
(printf "~a: customer ~a enters~n" (current-time) i)
(wait/work (random-flat 2.0 10.0))
(printf "~a: customer ~a leaves~n" (current-time) i))
;;; (run-simulation n) -> any
;;; n : exact-positive-integer?
;;; Run the simulation for n customers (or until explicitly stopped at
;;; some specified time).
(define (run-simulation n)
;; Create new global values
(parameterize ((future-event-list '())
(current-time 0.0)
(current-event #f)
(event-loop-exit #f)
(event-loop-next #f))
;; Schedule the customer generator
(schedule (event 0.0 generator (list n)))
;; Stop the simulation at the specified time (optional)
;(schedule (event 50.0 stop-simulation '()))
;; Start the simulation main loop
;;; Run the simulation for 10 customers.
(run-simulation 10)
An example of the output looks like:
2.3985738870908615: customer 0 enters
5.395876334125138: customer 1 enters
7.716207787604494: customer 2 enters
8.062394508850671: customer 1 leaves
9.204092461998275: customer 0 leaves
14.431739507072376: customer 3 enters
15.15611565215575: customer 2 leaves
19.107487138771972: customer 4 enters
19.67563344212178: customer 3 leaves
26.51109574171283: customer 5 enters
27.060305975366514: customer 4 leaves
31.04777263526701: customer 6 enters
32.83444054122948: customer 5 leaves
36.31758748274069: customer 7 enters
39.27687483880874: customer 6 leaves
40.643350655011744: customer 8 enters
41.76876758081738: customer 7 leaves
42.82235216823591: customer 8 leaves
47.63479457664656: customer 9 enters
57.31661407095231: customer 9 leaves
Your output will vary slightly because of the random numbers. That is, this is a stochastic model.
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